Flower delivery > Country Bouquets

Little white Bouquet

One price €30.00

As fresh as the morning dew!
Pure, simple and elegant... Our florists have filled this small, richly textured composition with the prettiest cameo of pure white and soft green flowers and foliage. Pretty dianthus, delicate lysianthus, hypericum and alchemille amaranthus come together in this delicate bouquet.

Cheaper delivery: only 7.90 € (instead of 10.60 €)

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One price

15 cm : €30.00

One price €30.00

Autumn sweetness

One price €37.00

All in elegance
The different shades of white are in the spotlight in this bouquet full of finesse: beige dianthus, large roses, wax... these white flowers are highlighted by eucalyptus populus berries. A simple yet delicate composition for a refined gift that is sure to please.

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One price

35 cm : €37.00

One price €37.00

Firework dazzle

One price €59.00

Bright colors!
In this sweet season, our florists have made this generous colorful and luminous bouquet composed of large powder roses, lovely two-tone branch roses, coral dianthus, purple lisianthus, light or dark pink limonium with delicate yellow flowers. The whole is enhanced by charming seasonal foliage such as cotinus and eucalyptus. Generous and warm, this bouquet will brighten up any interior with its beautiful colors.

Large bouquet - Height: 50 cm

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One price

50 cm : €59.00

One price €59.00


One price €65.00

A delicate and romantic composition
We have made you this pretty bouquet with tender shades. Discover beautiful seasonal flowers with exceptional varieties assembled in a delicate realization with pretty pink ranunculus 'Hannoï', contrasted by charming white anemones, lovely white astrantias all sublimated by seasonal foliage such as eucalyptus and mimosa . An incredibly soft bouquet with bucolic charm to convey your most tender messages.

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One price

40 cm : €65.00

One price €65.00

festive bouquet

One price €70.00

Give the idyllic gift
Is there a birthday on the horizon? This magnificent bouquet is ideal for marking this special occasion. Composed of a diversity of flowers, including gloriosas, branch chrysanthemums, lisianthus, a few carnations and roses as well as asparagus, all in bright and radiant colors, it represents a gift 100% guaranteed to delight the recipient!

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One price

40 cm : €70.00

One price €70.00

Romantic bouquet

Seasonal white and rose flower bouquet

One price €35.00

Pretty seasonal flowers in a lovely bouquet.
Here is a generous head of white hydrangea mingled with beautiful branchy 'Dinara' roses and branches of cotinus and pink limonium for a simple and refined composition that will make the perfect gift for every occasion.

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One price

30 cm : €35.00

One price €35.00