The Otono Bouquet is a real invitation to discover an original and daring bouquet. With its warm and enveloping hues, this bouquet of dried flowers stands out for its unique composition and elegance.
It brings together salmon orange hydrangeas, airy pampas, bright touches of white helichrysum and white limonium, as well as warm accents of orange broom and coral phalaris. Each element brings a unique texture and color, making this bouquet a creation that is out of the ordinary.
This bouquet is a beautiful novelty, perfect for bringing a touch of freshness and character to your interior or for offering an original and lasting gift.
Height: 45cm
Diameter: 35cm
Instructions for care
Rosa Cadaqués’ tip
Dried flowers are fragile, we recommend handling them as little as possible so that they retain their shine.
Dried flowers will keep their colors longer in a dry place and protected from light.
Maintaining your bouquet of dried flowers
Blow gently on it so as not to damage it. The stems are left long so that each bouquet can be adjusted to its vase yourself.