Our Zodiac bouquets
Discover our collection inspired by the 12 zodiac signs, created in partnership
with astrologer Shana Lyès. We have combined her astrological expertise with the
craftsmanship of our florists to design unique bouquets each month.
The First Fire Sign: Aries
As the first sign of the zodiac, born during the spring equinox, the solar cycle begins anew
with the primal fire embodied by this horned creature. The first buds start to bloom,
even if the weather remains somewhat unpredictable. This new era drives Aries to charge ahead
without hesitation. Bold and fearless, they move forward without looking back.
Born to be a passionate and inspiring leader. Aries is best represented by the red tulip :
a symbol of passion and intense love, echoing their fiery temperament and ruling planet, Mars.