Celebrate love with the Amor Eterno Bouquet, an exceptional creation designed to express your feelings with elegance and durability. This carefully assembled bouquet of dried flowers combines vibrant shades of red and white, symbols of passion and purity. Perfect for Valentine's Day or any other romantic occasion, it is a timeless gift idea.
To enhance your message, we add an elegant “Happy Valentine’s Day” card directly into the bouquet, bringing a delicate and thoughtful touch to your gift.
Composed of quality dried flowers, the Amor Eterno Bouquet stands out for its durability, offering a declaration of love that lasts. Add a pretty vase from our range to create an even more refined and personalized presentation.
Whether decorating your home or giving a gift to a loved one, this bouquet of dried flowers captures the spirit of Valentine's Day with an elegant and modern touch. Offer the emotion of the eternal with the Amor Eterno Bouquet.
Height: 35 cm
Diameter: 25 cm
Instructions for care
Rosa Cadaqués’ tip
Dried flowers are fragile, we recommend handling them as little as possible so that they retain their shine.
Dried flowers will keep their colors longer in a dry place and protected from light.
Maintaining your bouquet of dried flowers
Blow gently on it so as not to damage it. The stems are left long so that each bouquet can be adjusted to its vase yourself.